Find Your First Clients

Develop a personalised sales and marketing strategy so you can stop spinning around in circles and start standing out, finding your first clients, and making money in your service business.


Without a sales and marketing strategy, you’ll struggle to find clients

When new coaches and consultants first start out, they often tell me how they've spent heaps of time trying to get more visibility by:

  • Posting on social media
  • Building and launching a website
  • Attending networking events
  • Experimenting with online ads
  • Creating blog posts and so much more...

Yet, despite all of their initial marketing efforts and hard work, they're still struggling to break through and find their first 5 - 10 clients.

It can be pretty frustrating because it feels like they're doing everything the other business owners do, but it's not working for them.

But here's what they don't know...

All the other successful business owners they've been watching first spent time building a solid marketing strategy and foundation to underpin their activities.

Before they started doing things to increase their visibility, they had:

  • Researched and fully understood their target market
  • Designed services they knew their clients would want to buy
  • Crystal clear messaging to cut through and stand out
  • A structured sales process to convert leads to sales
  • A client onboarding process so they were set up and ready for clients

It can feel like these steps are the more difficult or perhaps 'boring' aspects of your marketing.

And let's face it, they're not quite as easy and fun as posting on social media or working on your website!

But, they are totally worth it because they'll make all the difference when it comes to standing out, finding your first clients, and making money in your service business.

Whether you’ve just launched your new business or you're growing at a pace that's much slower than you'd like…

If you're struggling to find your first client (or 2nd, 5th or 10th…), it’s most likely because you’re making one of these three common mistakes:

Mistake #1: You don’t have a personalised sales and marketing strategy that underpins your activities

It’s great that you’re trying lots of different tactics and putting yourself out there. But if you haven't created a personalised sales and marketing strategy first, then it’s likely that your messaging and service offerings won't be effective enough to cut through all the noise and resonate with your ideal clients.

Mistake #2: You're relying on your clients to tell you how they want to work together

People will buy what you offer them for sale. But if you don't have clearly defined services to sell, then you’re relying on your clients to do all the hard work and tell you what they want. Instead, you need to have a step-by-step sales process that guides them to the offers and solutions you (as the expert) know they need.

Mistake #3: You’re missing the marketing and business foundations that give you the confidence to sell

Selling yourself and your business is hard! Especially if you haven’t had to do it before. But I want you to know there are simple business foundations you can build to supercharge your sales confidence and ensure you get paid what you’re worth.

I want you to know you can develop a sales and marketing strategy to find your first clients without having to follow all the latest trends or copy what everyone else is doing

A personalised sales and marketing strategy gives you the clarity and direction you need, so you can stop spinning around in circles - feeling frustrated and overwhelmed - and instead, market your business in a more effective way that gets results.

You’ll also no longer struggle with how to package and price your services, so you can design and offer services you know your ideal clients will want to buy.

And it enables you to sharpen your messaging, so you’ll stop feeling invisible and know exactly what to say to stand out to your ideal clients.

Importantly, a sales and marketing strategy enables you to build a strategic business foundation from which you can sustainably and profitably grow your dream business (and avoid going back to that 9-5 job you were so keen to leave!)

Hayley Robertson

Hi! I'm Hayley Robertson

When I left corporate life in 2018, my business wasn't all set up and ready to go. I hadn’t launched a website or worked out what services I was going to sell.

And, I didn't know exactly where I was going to find my first clients.

On reflection…

I wasted A LOT of time focusing on too many of the wrong things, such as:

getting distracted by bright shiny objects, the latest social media trends, and website tweaks

piecing together all the free information I could find online and then spending hours trying to fill in the missing bits on my own

paying for online ads and promotions without really knowing if they were working or not

trying to replicate other people's success instead of believing in myself

Maybe you can relate?

Thankfully, it didn’t take long to realise that I was missing the one thing I really needed – a sales and marketing strategy that was right for me!

And once I realised how to turn things around (and avoid having to go back to corporate life)… everything just started to click, and within a few short weeks, I was working with my first clients.

Since then, my business has grown and given me the freedom and flexibility to have the lifestyle I want – which is why I started my business in the first place.

And you know what… When you have a personalised marketing strategy and plan to help you grow, it's completely possible for you too!


Find Your First Clients

A self-paced Online Course and Digital Workbook where you’ll unlock the secrets to developing a personalised sales and marketing strategy to stand out, find your first clients, and start making money in your service business.


Before working with Hayley, I knew I needed clearer direction to achieve my marketing goals and attract new clients, but I spent weeks going around in circles. She helped me get really clear on my services and developed a marketing plan which has enabled me to attract and land my dream clients.


Here's What This Course Covers:

With 15 concise, self-paced video lessons and a comprehensive digital workbook, you'll follow my 5-step Foundations First Framework to unlock the secrets to developing a personalised sales and marketing strategy that's right for you:


NICHE: Choose and Validate Your Niche

  • How to analyse the total market opportunities for your service business so you don't miss any potential prospects;
  • How to narrow it down to a viable target market or niche that aligns with your expertise so you can put an end to self-doubt and indecision;
  • A straightforward way to validate your selected niche so you know you're on the right path to attract the dream clients you’d love to work with;
  • How to identify, profile, and describe your ideal clients on a deeper level so you'll be able to create more effective connections to drive business growth.


SERVICES: Get Clarity on Your Service Offerings

  • Explore three business models service businesses commonly use and select the one that perfectly aligns with your vision and goals;
  • How to design and get clarity about your service packaging and pricing by identifying the pain point your ideal client has and the solution they want;
  • Learn what to include in your service offerings that will not only boost your confidence but also make them irresistible to your ideal clients;
  • How to highlight the value you bring and make your services more tangible so you can start bringing money into your business sooner;
  • 3 Essential questions to consider when it comes to your pricing and payment options to ensure you're maximising your revenue.


MESSAGING: Craft Messaging That Stands Out

  • Discover the two types of marketing messaging you'll need to effectively cut through the noise and ensure you're no longer invisible to your ideal clients;
  • Gain clarity about your overarching brand messaging so you can confidently communicate what you do, whom you help, and how your services are better or different to your competitors;
  • Learn how to find the right words to describe your service offerings so you can effectively differentiate yourself from your competition and stand out (which is the key to making sales).


SALES: Map Your Sales Process to Convert Leads

  • Explore the 4-stage buyer journey your ideal clients will follow and understand how to design and tailor your sales process at each stage to maximise success;
  • Streamline your sales and discovery call process, so you can better qualify your leads before inviting them to a sales call. Say goodbye to awkward calls with clients who aren't a good fit, and hello to more meaningful conversations;
  • Develop your sales discovery call script to maximise your sales conversions, so you can hear fewer rejections and more clients saying YES to working with you.


ONBOARDING: Close Sales And Onboard With Ease

  • Unlock the secret to developing a confident and authentic sales process so you can eliminate your nerves and supercharge your sales confidence;
  • Learn how to conquer any negative or limiting sales beliefs you may have, so you can avoid feeling too pushy or salesy and build trusted relationships with clients;
  • How to design a smooth transition from prospect to client, to make a great first impression;
  • Save time with my comprehensive list of client onboarding assets, materials, systems, and tools that you'll need to make the process of onboarding clients and closing sales easier.

By the end of the course, you'll have written down on paper, a personalised...

1. Marketing strategy so you'll have complete clarity around your niche, service offerings your clients will want to buy, and messaging that cuts through and stands out; and...

2. Sales strategy so you'll be able to better qualify leads and match them to the services they'll want to buy, confidently close sales, and welcome new clients with ease.

And, because I know you want to start working with your first clients as soon as possible, I'm also going to give you my expert sales tools so you're ready to sell with confidence on your next sales call...

Get the exact Discovery Call Sales Script I use in my service business to consistently close sales with confidence. (I usually only share this with clients in my 1:1 programs and membership).

And my Client Onboarding Process Guide, so you can transition clients with ease and save time when setting up everything you need to be ready to start working with your dream clients.

It doesn’t need to take months for you to find your first clients

With the right strategic foundations, you can stop feeling invisible and start standing out, so you can find clients and make sales in your service business sooner.

Start Today: Find Your First Clients

Here’s what’s included:

  • 5-Module Self-Paced Course including 15 concise video lessons that guide you step-by-step through the Foundations First Framework. (You can work through these at your own pace or binge-watch all the lessons in 2 hours and 30 minutes.)
  • 17-page Digital Workbook to fill in as you complete each lesson, so you'll have your sales and marketing strategy on paper by the time you finish the course
  • BONUS 1: The exact Discovery Call Sales Script I use in my business
  • BONUS 2: My Client Onboarding Process Guide, featuring a list of the essential marketing tools and systems you'll need to start working with your first clients

One-Time Payment: $149 AUD

Includes GST for Australian residents.

Still wondering if the Find Your First Clients Course is right for you?

First of all, this course is NOT for you if:

> If you're an e-commerce, retail, or product-based business. This course is designed for coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners who want actionable steps they can take to grow.

> If you're already clear on your niche and the value your services provide, have a sales process in place that converts well, and have confidently found your first ten clients without relying on referrals.

> If you're looking for a cookie-cutter approach to building your business or a quick and easy way to copy what someone else has done. This course is about personalising your sales and marketing strategy, so it's right for YOU.

> If you're not prepared to put in the work to achieve your business goals and just plan to add this course to the list of other online trainings you'll get around to watching 'one day'.

> If you're wanting to learn how to create things such as Instagram Reels or Facebook Ads. This course won't cover individual marketing tactics, but rather how to create a holistic STRATEGY that connects your sales and marketing activities.

> If you're only interested in having a part-time side hustle or hobby business. This course is better suited to those who want to build a dream lifestyle business that enables you to get paid what you're worth, work the hours you want, and do the type of work you enjoy.

However, the course would be a great fit for you if...

> You're spending hours trying to build your website, create more content, and show up on social media every day, yet you're still struggling to cut through and stand out online and feel like you're invisible to your ideal clients.

> You've started a coaching, consulting, or service-based small business, but you're unsure where or how to find your first clients despite your initial marketing efforts and hard work.

> You want to turn the knowledge and experience you've gained into a sustainable business, but you're unsure how to monetise your skills, cut through with your messaging, and find your first clients.

> You're tired of wasting time on Google spinning around in circles trying to figure out everything on your own and want a simple step-by-step guide you can follow to find your first clients sooner.

> You've been working in your business for a while but still struggling to get it up and running, and feel like that dream business and flexible lifestyle is a long way away (or perhaps even impossible to achieve).

> You're tired of feeling stuck and unsure where to focus next in your business, and want to stop getting distracted by bright shiny objects and the latest trends that aren't working for you.

Here's what past clients have said:

"I knew I needed to increase my client base, but I didn’t know where to start! It all seemed overwhelming and confusing.

But Hayley helped me develop a clear and easy-to-follow marketing strategy for my practice. And in just six months, I doubled my client base."

Counsellor for Women

"I knew I needed help to grow my business, attract the clients I wanted, and streamline my systems and processes to save time. Hayley helped me get really clear on my target audience and brand positioning, create some new service packages, and put together a marketing action plan to increase my visibility and grow a sustainable and profitable business."


Content Writer and Editor

"I spent good, quality time working through all the sections in Hayley's masterclass, which gave me some great actionable items. Hayley gives take-away and progressive steps that have enabled me to progress my business. I highly recommend that any new small business attend her sessions as they are great value."

Yoga Instructor and Retreat Host


Want to know more about what it's like to be coached by me?

I’m an MBA-qualified Marketing Coach and Business Mentor based in Brisbane, Australia.

I coach service-based business owners and believe marketing doesn’t have to be hard, complicated, or time-consuming.

It’s simply about:

➔ identifying what you need to focus on most in your business to achieve the results you want, and then

➔ breaking it down into simple and easy-to-follow steps so you can productively get to where you want to be sooner.

It’s the same approach I used when I developed marketing strategies and plans for some of Australia’s largest service-based organisations – and what I used to build my own successful business when I quit my corporate career in 2018.

When you attend my training, I want you to know that you don’t just get my support to develop a personalised marketing strategy and plan.

You also get a Marketing Coach who’s completely invested in you and wants you to succeed as much as you do.

You’ll experience the relief that comes from having someone to help you sort through your ideas – plus, gain the confidence that comes from knowing you’re working on exactly the right things to grow your business.

And, you’ll experience a fantastic sense of achievement when you start hitting your goals and working with the dream clients you'd love to work with.⁠

Ready to get started?

Click the button below to access the course today...

Frequently Asked Question's

Should I wait until after I leave my job and launch my business to take this course?

The short answer is no! If I had access to the easy-to-follow training, guidance, and sales script available in this course before starting my business, I wouldn't have gotten so distracted by bright shiny objects in the beginning; and I would have found my first clients and started making sales a lot sooner than I did.  

I've started my business recently and already worked with a couple of clients. Is this course for me?

If you're already clear on your niche and the services you sell and have been successful at finding your first ten clients (without relying on referrals), then you won't need this course.

However, this course is for you if you're still a little uncertain about your offers, struggling with sales confidence, or unsure how to stand out and get noticed by the clients you want to work with.

I know who I want to work with and am clear on my niche. Will this course help me to find them?

I've had a lot of past clients tell me that they know who they want to work with, but they just don't know where to find them.

However, there are often a few steps they've missed in their target market research and when designing their services which are holding them back. So, I've intentionally included specific information and training in this course to help you identify and close the marketing gaps you may not know you have.

My clients have mostly come via referrals or side-hustle jobs. Will this course help me find new clients?

Getting referrals is a great way to grow your business, especially when you're starting out or side hustling. However, I understand how challenging it can be when those referrals slow down or stop.

The Find Your First Clients Course will help you get the clarity you need to find NEW clients and grow - and I'll be sharing my top tips and bonus guides with you to help you save time and find those new clients sooner.  

How long is the course, and what's the refund policy?

The course includes a total of 15 short self-paced training videos, which you can binge-watch in around 2 hours and 30 minutes. Or you can watch each lesson and take actionable steps as you go - the choice is yours!

There is a once-off investment of $149 AUD, and you will have lifetime access to the course.

Due to the digital nature of the course, workbook, and bonus guides - where you can immediately download all of the training - refunds are not available.

How long will I need to create my sales and marketing strategy to find my first clients?

I'm a big believer in keeping things simple and will show you that you don't need to create a long and complicated strategy document to find your first clients.

You probably won't need to start from scratch either because I'll show you how to take what you've already built in your business and fill in the sales and marketing gaps so you have a strategy to start working with your first clients sooner.

How long will I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course and workbook for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

I have another question that isn't answered here...

No worries at all. Please email me at with your question and I'll get straight back to you.